[Auremn-l] Workshop : Theory and Practical Aspects on Solid State NMR

soniac at petrobras.com.br soniac at petrobras.com.br
Tue Apr 18 12:21:15 GMT 2017

Dear NMR Community

As an extension of the 16th NMR Users Meeting ,the Chemical Institute of
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (IQ/UFRJ) together with AUREMN  are
offering the WORKSHOP:

      "Theory and Practical Aspects on Solid State NMR"

Date: May 12-13th, 2017
Location: Salão Nobre CCNM -Bloco A- Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Program: See attached
Registration: Free (we will be sending the link for registration soon)

(See attached file: Programa_workshop_2017_FINAL 13-04.pdf)

Organizing Committee

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