[Auremn-l] HYP18 conference Sep 2-5 2018, Southampton UK

soniac at petrobras.com.br soniac at petrobras.com.br
Mon Apr 2 11:16:05 GMT 2018

Hello friends, apologies for this mass mailing if it is unwanted. This is
just to alert you about the HYP18 conference in Southampton in September,
and to encourage you, your group members and acquaintances, to subtract
abstracts (at hyp18.com). There is about 1 month left until the submission
deadline. We hope and expect that this will be a really exciting
interdisciplinary meeting bringing together experts on the different
frontier areas of nuclear hyperpolarization and their applications. It
should be a very instructive meeting both for those already involved in
hyperpolarization and for those wanting to find out about what can and
cannot be done. As far as we know a meeting of this kind has not been held

There will be some student travel stipends available, through the
generosity of sponsors. Details on the website.

best wishes


The HYP18 conference on hyperpolarization in Southampton is now open for
registration and abstract submission at hyp18.com.

This conference will cover the main areas of nuclear hyperpolarization and
some other methods for sensitivity enhancement in NMR and MRI, including:

   dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), both in solids and in solution
   optical pumping
   quantum-rotor-induced polarization
   parahydrogen-induced polarization
   diamond magnetometry

and key applications such as clinical imaging, materials science, and
molecular structure determination. As far as we know, a meeting of this
kind has not taken place before. It is a unique opportunity to hear the
latest news from this exciting frontier.

The confirmed plenary speakers are:

   Kevin Brindle, Cambridge, UK
   Bob Griffin, MIT, USA
   Sami Jannin, ENS Lyon, France
   Fedor Jelezko, Ulm, Germany
   John Kurhanewicz, San Francisco, California, USA
   Anne Lesage, ENS Lyon, France
   Leif Schröder, Berlin, Germany
   Thomas Theis, Durham, North Carolina, USA

The confirmed invited speakers are:

   Stephan Appelt, Aachen, Germany
   Peter Blümler, Mainz, Germany
   Arnaud Comment, Cambridge, UK
   Meghan Halse, York, UK
   Mathilde Lerche, Copenhagen, Denmark
   Gaël de Paëpe, Grenoble, France
   Marek Pruski, Iowa, USA

Welcome to Southampton in September!
Malcolm and Peppe

Hyperpolarized Magnetic Resonance
Southampton UK, Sep 2-5 2018
Prof Malcolm Levitt
School of Chemistry
Room 27:2026
University of Southampton
Southampton SO17 1BJ
tel. +44 23 8059 6753
fax: +44 23 8059 3781
iPhone: +44 77 7078 2024
email: malcolmhlevitt at mac.com

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