[Auremn-l] Charles P. Slichter, 1924-2018

soniac at petrobras.com.br soniac at petrobras.com.br
Wed Feb 28 10:56:01 GMT 2018

The magnetic resonance community mourns the loss of Charlie Slichter, who
passed away on February 19 at age 94. Charlie was one of the early
developers and proponents of magnetic resonance methods and their many
applications in physics and chemistry. He was one of the truly great
physical scientists of our time. He was also an unusually warm, generous,
and unpretentious human being. A full obituary, prepared by David Ailion
and including selected links to descriptions of Charlie's life and
accomplishments, can be found at https://www.weizmann.ac.il/ISMAR/news .

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