[Auremn-l] Fwd: [NMR] Postdoctoral position in Molecular Biophysics / NMR-based Structural Biology in Rosario/Argentina

Claudia Nascimento claudia.nascimento at unirio.br
Thu Jun 7 02:36:30 GMT 2018

oportunidade na Argentina

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bockelmann, Dirk <dibo at nmr.mpibpc.mpg.de>
Date: Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:31 AM
Subject: [NMR] Postdoctoral position in Molecular Biophysics / NMR-based
Structural Biology in Rosario/Argentina
To: "nmr at listes.sc.univ-paris-diderot.fr" <
nmr at listes.sc.univ-paris-diderot.fr>

*Postdoctoral position in Molecular Biophysics / NMR-based Structural
Biology *


We are seeking a Postdoc student for a position at the Max Planck for
Structural Biology, Chemistry and Molecular Biophysics of Rosario
(UNR-MPIbpC), located at Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. Candidates should
have a Ph.D in natural or life sciences and demonstrated research work in
the fields of Molecular Biophysics and/or NMR-based Structural Biology
(experience in protein NMR spectroscopy is highly recommended). The
position will be funded by MPLbioR for a period of 2 years starting in
September 1st, with possibility of extension.

Candidates should submit a CV and a list of 3 referees no later than August
31st, 2018. Submission must be done to the email-address
fernandez at iidefar-conicet.gob.ar / cfernan at gwdg.de

Created in 2015 and headed by Prof. Dr. Claudio O. Fernandez the MPLbioR is
connected to the Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (mentor:
Prof. Dr. Christian Griesinger, NMR-based Structural Biology Department)
and is part of the bilateral PhD program in Molecular Biosciences and
Biomedicine between the University of Rosario (UNR) and the Göttingen

The MPLbioR consists of a modern building infrastructure of about 1300 m2
where scientists have access to laboratories of Molecular and Cell Biology,
Chemistry, Molecular Biophysics and Structural Biology, equipped with
modern technology. In the Molecular Biology area there are one
high-perfomance liquid chromatography system for the purification of
proteins, a lyophilizer, as well as all the necessary equipments for the
expression, production and storage of recombinant proteins (orbital
incubators (5), sonicator (1), freezer -80ºC (1), PCR device (1),
electrophoresis units (3), bench and floor centrifuges (3), with and
without refrigeration, industrial autoclave, stoves, etc). The Cell Biology
area consists of two cell culture rooms fully equipped with laminar flow
hoods (3), stoves with CO2 control (2), electroporation equipment (1),
microscopes and bench centrifuges. In the Chemistry area a high-efficiency
analytical (1) amd preparative (1) liquid chromatograph with UV detection
and ELSD are available, added to hoods extraction (5) and rectification
(1). In the Biophysics area the following minor technology is available:
one spectrofluorometer, one circular dichroism spectropolarimeter, one
light dynamic scattering equipment, one isothermal titration calorimetry
(ITC) equipment, one fluorescence reader device in microplates / cuvettes
with shaking and anisotropy (TR-FRET and Alpha Screen) and two electron
absorption spectrophotometers. Regarding major equipments, the following
state-of-the-art equipment is available: 1) 600 MHz Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectrometer, digital, equipped with cryoprobe technology,
located at the Structural Biology area; 2) a confocal microscope and an
inverted fluorescence microscope equipped with accessories to perform FRAP
studies and acquire images of living cells for long periods of time located
at the Biophysics area.

*Location *

Max Planck for Structural Biology, Chemistry and Molecular Biophysics of
Rosario, MPLbioR (UNR-MPIbpC)

Instituto de Investigaciones para el Descubrimiento de Fármacos de Rosario,

Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina

*Dead-line *

August 31st, 2018

*Field *

Molecular Biophysics and Structural Biology of Neurodegenerative Diseases

*Links of interest *




Dr. Dirk Bockelmann

Max-Planck-Institut fuer biophysikalische Chemie

NMR-basierte Strukturbiologie / Abt. 10300

Am Fassberg 11

37077 Goettingen


phone: ++49 551 201 2205

email: dibo at nmr.mpibpc.mpg.de

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