[Auremn-l] Escola de Biologia Estrutural - RMN

soniac at petrobras.com.br soniac at petrobras.com.br
Wed Sep 26 10:28:32 GMT 2018

Caros colegas,

Entre os dias 5 e 9 de Novembro de 2018 será realizada a Rio International
School of Structural Biology (RIO-ISSB), em conjunto com o IV Simpósio
Franco-Brasileiro em Biociências (br.BIO.fr). Estes eventos acontecerão no
auditório do bloco N da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

A RIO-ISSB contará com aulas introdutórias, palestras, atividades práticas
e demonstrativas sobre as diferentes abordagens e tecnologias em Biologia
Estrutural, tais como Ressonância Magnética Nuclear, Cristalografia de
Raios X, SAXS, CryoEM, Espectrometria de Massas, Modelagem e Dinâmica
Molecular. Também discutiremos abordagens integrativas e aplicações.
Professores e palestrantes nacionais e internacionais ministrarão as
diversas atividades.

O programa completo do evento está disponível em:
                          Rio International School of Structural Biology   
                          – November 2018                                  
                          We would like to announce and invite you to      
                          participate on the RIO-International School of   
                          Structural Biology that will be held at the Rio  
                          de Janeiro Federal University, Rio de Janeiro    
                          between November 5th and 9th, 2018. This event   
                          aims to provide both basic and state-of-art      
                          knowledge on structural biology techniques,      
                          such as nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray        
                          crystallography, cryo-EM, molecular…             

 . As inscrições estão abertas até o dia 30 de setembro. Por favor,
confiram o programa, inscrevam-se e divulguem para possíveis interessados.

                            Registration - rioissb.wordpress.com           
                            Privacy & Cookies: This site uses cookies. By  
                            continuing to use this website, you agree to   
                            their use. To find out more, including how to  
                            control cookies, see here ...                  


O Comitê Organizador


We would like to announce and invite you to participate on the RIO–I
nternational School of Structural Biology that will be held at the Rio de
Janeiro Federal University, Rio de Janeiro between November 5th and 9th,
This event aims to provide both basic and state-of-art knowledge on
structural biology techniques, such as nuclear magnetic resonance, X-ray
crystallography, cryo-EM, molecular modelling and dynamics and mass
spectrometry tools associated to hydrogen-deuterium exchange and
crosslinking-MS. Moreover, an integrative approach for combining data and
several applications will be discussed.
The idea is to bring together young and senior scientists. For this,
theoretical and practical classes have been planned, as well as talks and
poster presentations.
Some talks of the School will be shared with the activities of the 4th
French-Brazilian Symposium on Biosciences (br.BIO.fr). Therefore, the
RIO-International School of Structural Biology will also be an excellent
opportunity to establish new collaborations!
Registrations are opened until September, 30th. Register now!

Welcome to the RIO-International School of Structural Biology!

Marcius da Silva Almeida
Professor of Instituto de Bioquímica Médica
Adjunct Director of CENABIO
Coordinator of Protein Advanced Biotechnology (PAB)
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
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